Online reviews may prove to be a silent and powerful method for your business to acquire customers. If you aren’t using them….. why not? If you are, how often to you ask current customers to review your products and services?
Here at TruPayroll, we are making an intention effort seeking out reviews on our social media channels, Google, YouTube and more. This year, we’ve used emails to customers requesting them to leave a review by making it simple to do it. How? We provided links leading directly to review page we wanted filled out along with a few questions relevant to our services to help motivate creative reviews. We didn’t provide answers! By asking questions, we help customers think of their own answers.
We truly appreciate all the reviews we receive from past and current customers. These reviews assist potential customers make decisions about hiring us. In fact, that’s what spurred us to write this post! A local medical office performing a search found our company, read the reviews, and reach out to us. Silent and powerful.
Ask your customers to review your business. The transferred trust from a current to prospective customer is better than most of your sales pitch!